Chickens Mesh and Aviary Tips Although we don’t manufacture chicken coops as such, we can make a few general suggestions for keeping a few chickens on a smallholding or plot. Chickens generally do well in open pens. A minimum height of 1.8m is recommended as...
Grass Parakeets Mesh and Aviary Tips Grass Parakeet Aviaries, much like Finch Aviaries should always face east and be built so that the interior is at least 50% protected. You can use plastic sheeting for the roof of the aviary, although we only make use of...
African Grey Mesh and Aviary Tips It is extremely important to choose the correct galvanised welded mesh for building an aviary for African Greys. You may opt for a thinner wire if you select a smaller block size, but for galvanised welded mesh with larger...
Finches Mesh and Aviary Tips Finch Aviaries should always face east and be built so that the interior is at least 50% protected. You can use plastic sheeting for the roof of the aviary, although we only make use of galvanised sheeting as it lasts longer. It...
Macaw Mesh and Aviary Tips The ideal welded mesh thickness to use for Macaws is 3mm at the very least. Due to the weight of the rolls of mesh in this wire thickness, it is impossible to galvanise after welding, and therefore the mesh will only be available in...